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8 May 2002, Royal Society, London:   Starpoint Adaptive Optics makes a presentation at the Final of the Joint Research Councils' Business Plan Competition. Starpoint's business plan is a Top-Ten finalist in the competition. (The competition has been featured in PPARC 'Frontiers' magazine).

17 April 2002, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh:   Starpoint director Dr. Andrew Zadrozny speaks at the PPARC Scottish Industry Workshop held at the Astronomy Technology Centre, where he presents Starpoint's plans to leading Scottish industrialists and academics, and describes the assistance PPARC has given to help get Starpoint and other academic spin-outs off the ground.

12 February 2002, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster:   Starpoint exhibits at PPARC's "At the Cutting Edge" technology showcase event.

20 August 2001:   The "Smart Optics" Faraday Partnership is announced, with Starpoint Adaptive Optics on board as a founding Industrial Partner.

6 August 2001, Royal Society of Edinburgh:   Starpoint gives a presentation at the 2001 RSE Research Awards Reception. HRH the Duke of Edinburgh attends the event, and is seen here studying Starpoint's poster presentation.

10 April 2001, Institute of Physics, London:   Andrew Zadrozny speaks about Starpoint Adaptive Optics at the PPARC Optical Systems and Adaptive Optics Workshop held at the IoP.

19 March 2001, House of Commons:   Starpoint director Dr. Andrew Zadrozny makes a presentation at the 'SET for BRITAIN' Reception for Britain's top younger researchers at the House of Commons.
'SET (Science, Engineering, Technology) for BRITAIN' is a high-profile forum for presenting "frontier" UK R&D to MPs and Parliamentarians.

15 February 2001:   Starpoint Adaptive Optics Limited is incorporated.

2 October 2000, Royal Society of Edinburgh:   University of Durham researcher Dr. Andrew Zadrozny is awarded a PPARC/RSE Enterprise Fellowship. The Fellowship, funded by the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council and operated by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, will enable him to develop the commercial potential of his research into adaptive optics technologies.

The picture shows Sir William Stewart, President of the RSE, with the three PPARC/RSE Enterprise Fellows (l to r):
Dr. Mark Williams of Surfability,
Dr. Matthew Dallimore of Radiation Systems and Dr. Andrew Zadrozny of Starpoint Adaptive Optics.

(photo: S. Lansdowne, PPARC)

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