Starpoint's News page delivers an
3 November 2009, House of Commons, London: Starpoint director Andrew Zadrozny attends a reception at the House of Commons to raise the profile of NETPark, the North East Technology Park based in Sedgefield. The reception is hosted by Mr. Phil Wilson MP, the Member of Parliament for Sedgefield, in association with Cllr. Simon Henig, Leader of Durham County Council. NETPark is supported by the Regional Development Agency ONE North East, and by the region's five universities.
26–28 August 2008, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh: Starpoint director Andrew Zadrozny will be one of the speakers at the Photon 2008 Industry and technology programme (ITP) event. The ITP programme is the industry-oriented element of Photon08, the largest optics conference event in the UK.
The conference venue is the
Edinburgh Conference Centre at Heriot-Watt University.
Andrew Zadrozny will be speaking at 4:15pm on August 26th, in the Wardlaw Room of the James Watt Centre.
28 July 2008, Sedgefield: Starpoint has a new address at the NETPark science park. NETPark is North East England's premier science, engineering and technology park for the commercialisation of cutting edge R&D.
The company's new address is:
Starpoint Adaptive Optics Ltd.
NETPark Incubator
Thomas Wright Way
County Durham
TS21 3FD
See full contact details here.
22–24 January 2008, San Jose, California:
Starpoint will be represented at the
Photonics West 2008 Exhibition.
Starpoint's Sales Representative,
Arden Photonics Ltd,
will be displaying Starpoint's deformable mirror drive products on
Booth 5132 at the exhibition.
20 April 2007:
Starpoint joins the newly formed
Sensors & Instrumentation Knowledge Transfer Network.
The Sensors & Instrumentation KTN is a network covering the whole of the UK’s sensing community,
from academics and large industries to small businesses,
research councils and government departments.
It works with industry and researchers to stimulate innovation
in the development and deployment of sensors and instrumentation.
Sensors & Instrumentation KTN
is financially supported by the
Technology Strategy Board (TSB),
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC),
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA).
23–25 January 2007, San Jose, California:
Starpoint's products are on display at
Photonics West again.
Starpoint's Sales Representative,
Arden Photonics Ltd.,
is exhibiting Starpoint's
Photonics West 2007
Exhibition is being held at the
San Jose Convention Centre Complex in San Jose, California from the 23–25 January 2007.
Photonics West, an
is North America's largest commercial exhibition on
optics, lasers, biomedical optics, optoelectronic components, and imaging technologies.
It brings together more than 1,000 exhibitors
from the international optics and photonics community
to showcase their products and services.
1 October 2006:
Arden Photonics Ltd. becomes Starpoint's Sales Representative
for the AmpArray range of multi-channel HV amplifier products.
Arden's customers can now obtain the
5 July 2006, London:
Starpoint Adaptive Optics
becomes a Business Affiliate of the
Institute of Physics.
The IoP's
Business Affiliates Network
brings together organisations of all sectors that engage with physics or
employ physics-trained staff.
Membership of the network provides a unique forum for companies to interact with like-minded organisations,
influence the focus of the Institute's activities and participate in initiatives promoting the contribution
that physics and physics-training make to innovation, wealth creation and the quality of life.
15 February 2006:
Many happy returns –
Starpoint Adaptive Optics was formed 5 years ago today.
Starpoint's range of products continues to expand.
the current product line.
24–26 January 2006, San Jose, California:
28 September 2005, Royal Society of Edinburgh: The RSE holds an Entrepreneur's Club Meeting at its offices in Edinburgh. The event is a networking opportunity for the growing band of businesses set up with the help of the RSE's Enterprise Fellowship programme, and it's attended by Starpoint's Andrew Zadrozny, himself a former PPARC/RSE Enterprise Fellow. The guest speaker is Prof. Ian Underwood FRSE, co-founder of MicroEmissive Displays plc.
2 August 2005, San Diego, California: Initial scientific results from the 'ALFONSO' free space optical communication R&D project are disclosed at the SPIE Optics & Photonics 2005 conference, held in the San Diego Convention Center. The paper "Horizontal turbulence measurements using SLODAR" presents early results from the atmospheric characterisation experiments that Durham University has conducted for the project.
29 September 2004: 'ALFONSO' in the news: The 'ALFONSO' free space optical communication R&D project gets a mention in Light Reading's news coverage. The project is also covered in the Feb/Mar 2004 issue of EuroPhotonics magazine (p.12, no online copy), in the March 2004 edition of Scottish Technology News, and by the ScotBusiness and Scottish Enterprise's Talentscotland.com websites.
7 June 2004, Institute of Physics, London: Starpoint is represented at the "Successful SMEs, Spin-outs and Start-ups" show-case event, organised by the Institute of Physics.
2 December 2003:
The 'ALFONSO' Free Space Optical Communication R&D
Consortium issues a press release announcing
the launch of the project, and describing its technical objectives.
(Read the Consortium press release here).
Further information about the project can be found on the
ALFONSO Project Showcase
page of the OSDA website.
1 October 2003:
Starpoint gains a significant role in a new LINK project
to develop advanced technologies for free-space optical communication.
The collaborative industrial/academic research project, called
is supported by the
"Optical Systems for the Digital Age"
programme. Collaborating companies include
Cablefree Solutions,
Ferranti Photonics
Sira Electro-Optics,
together with academic partners
Durham University
and the
Institute of Photonics
at Strathclyde University.
Starpoint will contribute its adaptive optics expertise to the project.
15–17 September 2003, Grasmere, Cumbria: Starpoint director Dr. Andrew Zadrozny speaks about the company's activities at the Free Space Optical Sensing Workshop, held at the Wordsworth Hotel in Grasmere and sponsored by the DTI under the auspices of the LINK OSDA programme. The workshop presentations are available here.
14 August 2003, William Herschel Telescope, La Palma: Starpoint's deformable mirror drive technology celebrates 3 years of flawless service on the UK's 4.2m William Herschel Telescope, where it operates as part of the NAOMI common-user adaptive optics system. The 228-channel, ±215V amplifier system has provided three years of highly reliable operation on this key telescope facility.
William Herschel Telescope,
on La Palma in the Canary Islands.
(Photo courtesy of the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, La Palma.)
3 June 2003, Royal Society, London: Starpoint Director Dr. Andrew Zadrozny speaks about "Adaptive Optics for Free Space Optical Communication" at the Smart Optics Technology and Applications Portfolio Forum, held at the Royal Society.
22 May 2003, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster:
Starpoint exhibits at the
Launch Event
of PPARC's Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and
Enterprise Club –
KITE Club. Starpoint becomes a member of the KITE
Club, gaining networking access to PPARC's knowledge transfer programme.
18 December 2002: Starpoint is a Top-8 Finalist in the high-profile "Entrepreneur of 2003 Competition" run by Electronics Weekly magazine with the technology PR agency EML, and sponsored by the leading early stage investor Pond Venture Partners.
2 December 2002: Starpoint wins start-up support from Durham City Council, and assistance from the Chester-le-Street and City of Durham Enterprise Agency, as it establishes itself in Durham.
1 November 2002: Starpoint moves to its new premises in the heart of Durham City. Details here.
16 October 2002, Beamish Hall, County Durham:
Starpoint wins a prestigious Smart Award from
the Department of Trade and Industry. The award will fund a
Feasibility Study for an advanced adaptive optics technology demonstrator
– it aims to assess if radically new technologies can break
through cost and usability barriers and bring adaptive optics
technology to the mainstream optical systems industry.
The picture shows Mr. Tony Sarginson,
Executive Director of Northern Business Forum,
presenting the Smart Award to Starpoint director Dr. Andrew Zadrozny
at the DTI Smart Awards Ceremony for the North East region, held at the
historic Beamish Hall.
1 July 2002: Starpoint Adaptive Optics signs an Intellectual Property agreement with the University of Durham. The IPR assignment gives Starpoint rights to Durham's adaptive mirror drive amplifiers.
© 2002–2011 Starpoint Adaptive Optics Limited